There are some natural conditions to cultivate delicious tea leaves. At first, the place to cultivate tea should be "located from the upper part through the middle part of a cool river". It is because that fog rolling over the river could prevent frost which tea leaves are very vulnerable to. The morning fogs rolling from Uji River and Tawara River cover Ujitawara so that tasty, fragrant and nutritious (including catechin, vitamins and others) tea leaves could be grown. The flavor influencing the quality of tea, in particular, depends heavily on natural environment, however, the most flavored tea leaves are grown in mountainous areas.
And, having "annual rainfall of 1300mm or more" and "a certain amount of rainfall throughout a year" are one of the important natural conditions. Stable rainfall throughout a year is required to cultivate qualified tea leaves. And a certain temperature change in mountain area help tea leaves cultivate, however, tea plants are not grown in the terrible cold area and hot area. "Well-drained and well-ventilated area" is also one of the conditions so that most of the tea plantations are located in the mountainside. Minamiyamashiro and Ujitawara are ideal places to cultivate tea leaves since they meet these conditions. "Kobataen" is a venerable tea house having the history of tea with this wonderful nature. We have passed down the genuine techniques and discriminating judgment of tea leaves as well as accumulating traditional techniques and knowledge about cultivation.